Monday, January 28, 2013

study abroad opportunities more available to students

UK’s Education Abroad is hosting blueabroad week starting Monday with the goal of making information on studying abroad opportunities more available to students.Each day will give students from different UK colleges the chance to explore the opportunities that await them in another country.
Education Abroad is not about traveling as it is about developing knowledge and skills necessary to compete successfully in a global workplace,” Education Abroad Director Anthony Ogden said.

The center of blueabroad week will be the annual Education Abroad fair Wednesday from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the Student Center Grand Ballroom, but every UK student is encouraged to take advantage of the opportunities #blueabroad week has planned throughout the week, said Seth Riker, promotion and outreach coordinator for Education Abroad.Education Abroad works with students concerned about being in a new country or about finances to help them have the best experience possible, Riker said.

Many of the #blueabroad week events feature presentations on scholarships and financial aid offered to students interested in studying abroad.A scholarship workshop will take place Tuesday in The Hub at the W.T. Young Library from 3 to 7 p.m.I know how daunting a normal college experience can be on a person and on a pocketbook, let alone a semester abroad. Nevertheless, no student should think these opportunities are out of their reach,” said Riker.